How to Handle Accidental Dental Trauma

Accidents happen, and sometimes those accidents, unfortunately, involve our teeth. Whether you’ve cracked a tooth, had a tooth knocked out, or displaced a tooth, it’s important to act quickly and seek dental care as soon as possible because these events are certainly considered dental emergencies. Here are the steps you should take in the event of accidental dental trauma.

Avulsed Tooth (Knocked Out)

In the unfortunate event that you or someone you know knocks out a tooth, it is important to act quickly in order to preserve the avulsed tooth and potentially save it. First, find the tooth and handle it only by the crown, avoiding touching the root. Next, rinse off any dirt or debris using water but do not scrub or clean with soap. If possible, try to reinsert the tooth back into its socket and hold it in place using gauze or a damp piece of cloth.

Alternatively, you can also store the tooth in milk or saliva before seeking dental care as soon as possible. A knocked-out tooth can quite often be successfully replanted if proper steps are taken promptly following the injury. Seeking urgent attention from your dentist will increase the chance of saving the avulsed tooth because the window of opportunity for replanting is small, and typically, attention is needed within 60 minutes. The longer it is before treatment, the lower the odds of successful reinsertion.

If you cannot retrieve the avulsed tooth, it’s still crucial to see your dentist. They’ll be able to assess the situation and determine what restorative treatment options may be necessary. In any case, prompt dental care following accidental dental trauma is essential to preventing further damage and restoring your oral health.


Cracked or Displaced Tooth

The jarring sensation of a cracked or displaced tooth can be frightening, but it’s important to stay calm and seek appropriate dental care as soon as possible. For minor displacement and cracks, time is still crucial in preserving the health of the tooth. Seek dental treatment as soon as possible to avoid further damage and potential infection or nerve damage.

Cracked or chipped teeth can be repaired with a crown or filling, depending on the extent of damage, and with prompt care and attention, even a cracked or displaced tooth can often be restored to its full function and appearance.

Naturally, if you are playing contact sports, wearing a well-fitted mouth guard can offer significant protection against dental trauma. Additionally, practising good oral hygiene habits that include regular brushing and flossing can help to promote strong teeth and gums, making them less susceptible to injury.

If you’ve experienced dental trauma and cracked or lost a tooth, it really is important to seek treatment right away. Watch for symptoms like bleeding, swelling, and pain in the tooth or gums, and contact your dentist immediately if you experience any of these. It’s also strongly recommended to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until you’ve seen a dentist and had the damage assessed.

Call us on 07 3382 7500 or complete the Emergency Dental contact form below if you’ve cracked or lost a tooth. Dr Heng will see you as soon as possible, as it’s important to act quickly in order to minimise the risk of infection and further complications.